Thursday, October 6, 2011

Home Gardening Statuettes

As I said before, home gardening statuettes are the perfect solution for your home garden. Depending on the general theme of your : favorite movie character, animal, etc.. If the budget allows you, you can have a different theme every year.

You can choose from a wide range of materials. The most commonly used are copper, metal and concrete. Copper is suitable due to its endurance and weather resistance. The concrete home gardening statuettes can crack, and those made of metal can rust.

The first step in choosing your home gardening statuettes is setting the general theme of your home garden. It's not a good idea to fill your home gardening space with several different stories. Pick one that you like most and stick to it.

For example, if you choose the birds to be part of your universe, choose green statuettes in the shape of flowers, trees, birds and cages. The overall theme of your home garden needs to correlate with your mood and your character.

Another idea is the theme of angels. You can choose statues of various shapes and sizes, with face of angel child or adult. Don't overlook any religious statues. In this case, sky is the limit.

These objects can be particularly important if you want to have corner of your garden that will stand out. Well, if you managed to make your dream space, full of flowers, but is somewhat secluded, a statue of this kind placed in the middle of that space will certainly attract attention.

Its size is determined by size of surrounding plants. If the plants are tall, you need to choose a high statuette.

In conclusion, the home gardening statuettes are the simplest way to give a touch of live to your home garden.

Read more on Feng Shui Elements

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